
Save The Kokish

The Kokish River, located on northeast Vancouver Island, is one of just three streams on the east coast of Vancouver Island that still have a rare run of wild summer-run steelhead.

The fish rich river is also home to five species of wild salmon, as well as coastal cutthroat trout and Dolly Varden. The Kokish rushes through a series of steep canyons, alternating between waterfalls and clear pools, making it an ideal destination for anglers, kayakers and nature lovers alike. But the Kokish is at risk from a private power project that plans to put over 9 km of this 10 km wild river into a pipe, changing this bit of paradise forever.

The last hurdle this project faces is a permit from the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

That is why we are asking you to write three federal politicians, and tell them how much you want the power project to be turned down and the Kokish River to remain wild.

Write Now!


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