Steelhead in the News

Minister Ashfield responds to SSBC letter to Prime Minister Harper regarding proposed changed to the Fisheries Act

Keith Ashfield, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, took time to respond to our letter we sent to Prime Minister Harper in March of this year regarding changes to the fisheries act.  Below are some highlights and the reply, in its entirety, is attached at the bottom of the page.


Dear Mr. Braidwood,

As you may be aware, on April 26, 2012, Bill C-38, the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act, was tabled in the House of Commons. Amendments to the Fisheries Act were included in Bill C-38. the proposed amendments are intended to support a shift from managing impacts to all fish habitats to managing threats to fisheries by: focusing the regulartory regime on managing threats to the sustainability and ongoing productivity of Canada’s commercial, recreational and Aboriginal fisheries; provider clarity, certainty and consistency of regulatory requirements through the use of standards and regulations; and enabling enhanced partnerships to ensure agencies and organizations that are best placed to provide fisheries protection services to Canadians.

-Aligning the Fisheris Act with the Environmental Enforcement Act (increased fines and penalties for offences)

-Improving the enforceability of conditions to Ministerial authorizations

-Providing for the designation of ecologically significant areas for fish

-Increasing inspector powers to provide them with additional authorities

For updates on the proposed amendents to the Fisheries Act, please see

Yours Sincerly

Keith Ashfield

Keith Ashfield, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, took time to respond to our letter we sent to Prime Minister Harper in March of this year regarding changes to the fisheries act.  Below are some highlights and the reply, in its entirety, is attached at the bottom of the page.


Dear Mr. Braidwood,

As you may be aware, on April 26, 2012, Bill C-38, the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act, was tabled in the House of Commons. Amendments to the Fisheries Act were included in Bill C-38. the proposed amendments are intended to support a shift from managing impacts to all fish habitats to managing threats to fisheries by: focusing the regulartory regime on managing threats to the sustainability and ongoing productivity of Canada’s commercial, recreational and Aboriginal fisheries; provider clarity, certainty and consistency of regulatory requirements through the use of standards and regulations; and enabling enhanced partnerships to ensure agencies and organizations that are best placed to provide fisheries protection services to Canadians.

-Aligning the Fisheris Act with the Environmental Enforcement Act (increased fines and penalties for offences)

-Improving the enforceability of conditions to Ministerial authorizations

-Providing for the designation of ecologically significant areas for fish

-Increasing inspector powers to provide them with additional authorities

For updates on the proposed amendents to the Fisheries Act, please see

Yours Sincerly

Keith Ashfield

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