Steelhead in the News

Bonaparte River Habitat Enhancement Project

The proposed project is to install Steelhead habitat enhancement works at a site on the Bonaparte River.


The main activity in the proposed project is to construct a rock weir, pool and riffle complex on the Bonaparte River adjacent to the Tanamye Property (GPS location 50° 59.632 N, 121° 27.925 W). This site is located approximately 24 km upstream from Cache Creek and 12 km downstream from Loon Lake, in a reach of the Bonaparte River with preferred steelhead habitat features. The proposed project offers the opportunity to build a pool/riffle/boulder-cluster complex in the Bonaparte River at a location with connectivity to key habitat features important to Steelhead such as suitable stream grade, beneficial groundwater attributes, stable up and downstream streambank habitat and existing off-channel habitat. The proposed site locations are shown on the attached project location map. A description of the proposed works including method and material requirements is also included in the attached pdf file.


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